Wood and Canvas Beach Chairs

What we truly enjoy - are canvas beach chairs with 100% solid hard wood.

The mixture of canvas with metal - is just not the classic beach chairs that we are use to - and are not aesthetically as pleasing.

The pricing is higher - yet - in the end - our investment is worthwhile - as they last far more than just one season.

Be sure to check that the wood is reinforced with hardware and not just glued together though. The glued wood chairs will fall apart quickly - very quickly - as water and moisture dissolves the glue.

Also - the natural canvas is lovely - yet will soil rapidly - so be practical and go for a darker color.


The chair above is a wood and canvas sand chair which also folds and becomes a beach bag.

When at the beach - sitting directly on the sand - where you can carve out your favorite space for maximum comfort - is a definite plus.

To purchase - visit - Folding Wood and Canvas Beach Chairs


Think about making your own chairs - Lowes has three videos (below) - with exact instructions and measurements on their website - http://www.lowes.com/creative-ideas

How to Build a Beach Chair Introduction

How to Build a Beach Chair, Part 3: Canvas Back & Finish

We believe the seat may need a pillow - -

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